Quikmaps – Quickly Customize a Google Map

Quikmaps is a nice map creation tool that allows you to quickly draw, type, and insert icons on a Google Map. Quikmaps is similar to Scribble Maps which I reviewed a couple of weeks ago. Quikmaps does offer one extra tool that Scribble Maps does not and that is the option to select from a huge gallery of icons to use on your map. Placing these icons is a simple matter of dragging and dropping elements. As you will see in the map I’ve embedded below, I placed a camera icon on Yellowstone National Park and wrote above it, “this is a good place to take pictures.”

Applications for Education
Quikmaps could be a good tool for students to create mapped tours of sites with descriptions. Quikmaps might also be used by history teachers to have students map the expansions and contractions of country borders over time.

Here are some related resources that may be of interest to you:
Scribble Maps – Easily Type and Draw on Maps
101 Ways to Teach Geography
Google Earth and Google Maps Help


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