Today, The Official Google Docs Blog is featuring three Google Docs spreadsheet templates that may be of interest to educators. The three templates allow you to create flashcards, word searches, and a word study game. You can access and read more about the templates here. I have to admit that I’m not much of a spreadsheet user, but these three Google Docs spreadsheet templates might get me to spend some time with a spreadsheet.
Applications for Education
If you’ve been looking for just the right flashcard program or the right word search generator, but haven’t found it, these templates might be what you need. One clear advantage of using these templates over a commercial program is that you won’t be exposing your students to any advertising on your word search or flashcards.
Here are some related resources that may be of interest to you:
Three Getting Started Guides for Google Docs
Projects Using Google Docs
Eight Ways to Use Google Docs from Tom Barrett