Create a Homepage With Scholastic Homepage Builder

Every time that I explore the Scholastic website I find something that I hadn’t noticed on my previous visit. On my most recent visit to the Scholastic website I discovered that they offer a free website builder for teachers. The Scholastic Class Homepage Builder has a simple and intuitive user interface with very clear step-by-step set up directions. While you can embed videos and some other media, the Class Homepage Builder is really designed for teachers making their first attempts at creating an online resource for their classrooms. The Scholastic Class Homepage Builder allows teachers to include Scholastic News headlines, assignments, post announcements, and pre-made online activities for students.

Applications for Education
The Scholastic Class Homepage Builder provides teachers who have never made a blog or website with an easy-to-use tool to get started creating an online presence for students and parents to visit. The themes, layouts, and pre-made activities that can be included in the homepage are designed for students in grades K-8.

Here are some other free resources for creating a class homepage:
Free Webs

On Sugar


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