Track Class – Assignment Tracking for Students

Track Class is a relatively new entry into the online student organizer category of free educational resources. Track Class offers all of the features that we have come to expect in online student organizers. Through Track Class students can keep a schedule of courses, track assignment dates, write and save notes, and maintain a calendar of events. Inside Track Class students can also save files like essays they’ve written and slideshow presentations they’ve created. One feature that Track Class doesn’t appear to offer is a text reminder service like that found on Soshiku.

Applications for Education
Track Class could be a good tool for middle school and high school students looking for an online planner. There are a number of services on the market that aim to help students organize their academic lives. Different organization services may work better for some students than others so it’s worth showing students a variety of online planners.

Here are a few other planning tools that students can try:
Sticky Screen
Wipee List


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