Quizlet – Create and Share Flashcards

Quizlet is an online flashcard making service that I recently discovered. On Quizlet you can make your own flashcards or study from publicly shared sets of flashcards. Quizlet offers you the ability to study your cards in five different ways including playing a couple of games with your cards. When creating your flashcards you can enter information for each card individually or import information from a text document to be used in your card set. If you don’t have the time to create your set of flashcards, browse the publicly shared flashcards.

Quizlet users have a “dashboard” where they can track the flashcards they’ve made, public sets added to their collection, and track the flashcards they’ve studied. Quizlet also allows users to join study groups to share in the creation and studying of flashcards.

To learn more about using Quizlet, check out this short demo video.

Applications for Education
Quizlet’s advantage over similar flashcard services is the option for student to play games using their sets of flashcards instead of just learning from rote memorization.

Unfortunately, because of some of the names of the public study groups on Quizlet I can’t recommend having elementary or middle school students use Quizlet without direct supervision.

Here are some other flashcard creation tools you may want to consider using.
Study Stack


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