Unigo – College Reviews and Planning Advice from Students

Unigo is a very good college review website. In fact, I think it’s the best one I’ve seen since I started this blog. Unigo relies on huge database of student generated content for college reviews. Unigo has reviews written by students as well as video content. The value of Unigo extends beyond college reviews to first-hand accounts of mistakes made and lessons learned in the first year of college. Finally, as you might expect, Unigo has a social networking aspect through which current students and future students can connect.

The video below, shot by Allen Stern of Center Networks, is an interview with Unigo’s founder in which he explains how the service was started and what the service does. The value of the video extends beyond an explanation of Unigo. The founder, Jordan Goldman, explains why he feels that a liberal arts degree has helped him in business.

Applications for Education
Unigo is a great place for students to find first-hand reviews of more than 250 colleges in the United States. As Jordan Goldman said in the video above, the reviews are not always just the good things about a particular college. Some of the reviews, created by current students, do share negative experiences. This is a good thing as it allows potential students to see more than just the “viewbook” review that some college review services offer.

The video interview with Jordan Goldman could be a good resource for high school business teachers to share with their students. In the interview Goldman explains how he started his business.

Here are some other college review services that I’ve shared in the last year.
University Parent Connection
College Crunch
The U – College Campus Reviews by Students
Ask About College


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