Transcript of Obama’s Inaugural Address

A number of news outlets have posted the transcript of Barack Obama’s inaugural address. I found a pdf copy of the transcript on C-Span. You can access the pdf here. On the C-Span website you can also watch a video of President Obama’s inauguration and inaugural address. I have embedded below a video of President Obama’s inaugural address.

As many people have already noticed, got a facelift today. At first glance, the new website features a new Whitehouse 101 page, biographies, and a blog designed to increase transparency between the President and the people.

Most major news websites including the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, the BBC, and CBS News have posted slide shows from today’s inaugural activities.

If you would like to provide your students with a sampling of how the rest of the world reacted to the inauguration of President Obama, read this article from the BBC. The article is composed of responses from correspondents posted throughout the world.


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