Turn PDF’s and Images Into Interactive Documents

Adam, which has the clever url adamsapp, is a service that makes it possible to turn static documents and images into active documents. Through the use of Adam you can insert videos, music, and links. To use Adam simply upload a document or image and select a portion of the document into which you would like to insert a video, music clip, or link. Once you’ve made your selection simply past in the html code (like an embed code from YouTube) and save your work. You can now link to your active document on your blog or share your new document via email.

Applications for Education
Adam could be used in a couple of different ways in education. My first thought was that Adam could be used by teachers that posted lecture outlines to make those outlines active documents.
The better way to use Adam in the classroom is to organize a reading activity around a document loaded into Adam. Put a news article, a story, or a scholarly article into Adam and have students insert videos or links to match the content of what they’ve read.


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