Seven Things

Beth Still tagged me to participate in this meme in which you’re supposed to list seven things readers might not know about me. The purpose of the exercise is to get to know the people in your PLN on different level. So here it goes:

1. In 1996 and 1997 I was a member of the USOC’s Junior Elite Archery Team. In 1999 I set a world record archery score that stood for all of about 15 minutes until it was broken by my good friend David Cousins.

2. I love to hike, ski, and fly fish.

3. Prior to becoming a teacher I worked for FedEx for almost seven years. At times I miss the money from those days, but I don’t miss the work.

4. I love the Boston Red Sox, Boston Celtics, but I still can’t really root for the Bruins because I grew up as fan of the now defunct Hartford Whalers.

5. I’m the oldest child of four. Two brothers and one sister.

6. I have a wonderful girlfriend, Denise, who thinks I’m an uber-geek for spending so much time writing this blog.

7. I dream of climbing in the Himalaya.

Here are seven people that I would like to see participate.
@wickeddecent Jeff and Dan


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!