TED 2009 Presenters List
Every year the TED Conference brings together some of the most influential figures from business and academic fields to give twenty minute talks about their
Every year the TED Conference brings together some of the most influential figures from business and academic fields to give twenty minute talks about their
Today while searching for some US History resources, I came across the Awesome Library. The Awesome Library is a collection of more than 36,000 educational
This afternoon the official Google Docs blog posted a collection of eleven academic projects that incorporate the use of Google Docs. All of the projects
Tutsearch is a recommendation service and search engine for online tutorials. Tutsearch has indexed more than one hundred tutorial websites. If what they have indexed
One of the great things about living in this digitally connected age is that information and news is so readily available. The Internet also makes
Every time I find a website like Free Math Help I wish that the Internet had been readily accessible to me as a high school
Right now there are a number of expeditions to the South Pole in progress. One such expedition is the South Pole Quest expedition sponsored by
Nine Planets.org is a large collection information and images designed to be used as a virtual tour of the solar system. The information on Nine
I just got home from a Christmas party and to my surprise discovered that I had won the 2008 Edublog Award for Best Resource Sharing
This afternoon Google announced that it has made it a little easier to refine image searches. Until now, if you entered a search term in
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