The End to Copyright Confusion

My interest in fair use, copyright, and Creative Commons has been strong lately which is why, today, I went searching on SlideShare for presentations about these topics. One of the first slide shows I came across (embedded below) was from the Media Education Lab at Temple University. The Media Education Lab and Temple University has created a number of great resources about fair use for teachers and students. Visit the Media Education Lab’s website to see videos explaining fair use, lesson plans for media education, and to download a copy of the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use.

Applications for Education
The Media Education Lab at Temple University helped me to get a better understanding of fair use guidelines for education. Sharing the slide show, videos, and guidelines with your colleagues should help them gain a better understanding of fair use in education.
People that teach journalism, media production, or have students creating content on the Internet should take a look at the Media Education Lab’s lesson plans about fair use.


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