10 Teachers to Follow on Twitter

Last weekend I received a direct message on Twitter from a teacher that saying that she had just signed up for Twitter, but didn’t “get it yet” and wanted my help. This wasn’t the first time that I’ve gotten an email or a Twitter message asking for help getting started on Twitter. My 140 character advice is generally, “Twitter is like an ever-expanding conversation. The more people you follow, the more you learn.” The follow-up question is almost always who should I follow? Here are ten teachers on Twitter that share a lot of resources and ideas. All ten of these people genuinely want to help teachers learn through Twitter.

Lee Kolbert
Sue Waters
William Graziadei
Colette Cassinelli
Jenny Luca
Angela Maiers
Kevin Jarrett
Tom Barrett
Liz B. Davis
Skip Zalneraitis

This list is by no means all inclusive. There are so many good people to pick from that I struggled to narrow it to ten people. In selecting I tried to include people from a variety of timezones because Twitter is a global network.

If you’re on Twitter and would like to connect with other teachers, please leave a comment containing your Twitter name. If you want to follow me, click this link.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!