1 + 1 = 2 Mathematics Podcasts

The Math Factor podcast is a podcast that I discovered today while exploring Alltop’s mathematics section. Math Factor is series of short (10-15 minutes) podcasts produced by University of Arkansas professor Chaim Goodman-Strauss and Kyle Kellams. Each episode presents a mathematics problem for listeners to ponder. Each episode gives an explanation of the solution to the previous episode’s problem.

Another mathematics podcast that I discovered today is the West Virginia Math and Science Initiative’s video podcasts. These video podcasts, available on iTunes, give short demonstrations and explanation of mathematics concepts. Visitors will find video podcasts for Algebra, Statisitics, Trigonometry, Contemporary Math, and Chemistry. You can access the podcasts here.

Applications for Education
The Math Factor is a good podcast for the “math team” student that is interested
in finding interesting and challenging mathematics problems. Math teachers may also want to play the podcast in class then have students discuss and work on solutions to the problems.

The West Virginia Math and Science Initiatives’s podcasts could be useful for high school mathematics students that need a visual explanation of mathematics concepts. These podcasts could be helpful when for students when they get stuck on a homework problem.


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