A New Resource Depot

If you take a look at the left hand column on this blog you will notice a few changes. There are three changes that I think will make Free Technology for Teachers a better resource for visitors. First, all of the links that were in huge lists in the side columns have been condensed. All of the resources that were listed and more are still available, I have moved them onto a wiki which you will see by clicking on “dozens of more resources” at the top of each list.

The second change is a new category of resources dedicated to educational alternatives to YouTube. There are more than 30 links in this list.

The third change is relatively minor. Instead of having resource lists in both side-bars now all of the resource lists are in the left hand column.

I hope these changes are effective in helping teachers find free resources that they can use in the classroom. Please visit the new Free Technology for Teachers wiki to see all of the lists.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!