The Best Video on Viddler

Today, I found the best video on Viddler. I actually didn’t find it on Viddler, it’s hosted on Viddler, I found it on Blogging on the Bay. This is a video of an awesome presentation given by Chris Lehmann about the things that schools need to change in order to help students learn in today’s world. I strongly encourage you to watch this five minute video and comment on the things that Mr. Lehmann has to say. I’ve already inserted a comment and I would love to see what other teachers have to say. (In case you’re unfamiliar with Viddler, Viddler’s comment system allows you to insert comments directly into the video stream). Below the video are my five favorite quotes from Mr. Lehmann’s presentation.

Here are some of things Mr. Lehmann said that caught my attention.
1. “Technology needs to be like oxygen.”
2. “Good data costs a lot more than we want to spend. Good data is the work kids do every single day, it’s not the answers they get on a test.”
3. “We teach kids, not subjects.”
4. “You want to see what kids have learned, give them a project.”
5. “We have one thing left to teach and that is… wisdom.”

What are your thoughts about Mr. Lehmann’s presentation? Leave a comment on this blog or better yet, register for a Viddler account and comment directly on the video for the whole world to see (as opposed to just the visitors to this blog). I want to see that video loaded with comments from teachers.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!