Understanding the CERN Collider Through a Rap

The CERN Large Hadron Collider was put into use today. Stories about the CERN Collider were all over the news this morning so much so that my US History students asked me about it this morning. I didn’t know much more than what they heard on the news so I went looking for some information. One of the best explanations for students of the CERN Large Hadron Collider is found in this rap video made by an American scientist working on the CERN project.

For more information about the creator of the video, check out this story from Reuters.

Applications for Education
I just showed this video to a couple of science teachers and they immediately said, “we’ll have to show that in class.” They were impressed by the video because it explains the CERN Large Hadron Collider in terms that the average person can understand. According to my science teacher colleagues,
The sequence of content provided in the video is accurate.


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