Iterasi Becomes a More Helpful Internet Research Tool

Iterasi, a resource I wrote about back in January, has launched a new feature that will make an even more useful tool for conducting searches and bookmarking pages. For those unfamiliar with Iterasi, it is a essentially a bookmarking service that saves pages in the status they’re in when you initially bookmark it. Iterasi’s service solves the problem that occurs when you bookmark a page only to return to it later to find that the content has changed. Until now you had to save the pages you found using the Iterasi service. The new upgrade to Iterasi lets users import their existing bookmarks from Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Delicious.

Applications for Education
Iterasi is a great service for students to use when conducting Internet research. I can’t count the number of times a student has said to me, “I can’t find it” when referring to a website on which they had previously found something useful. Pages saved using Iterasi eliminate this problem by saving the page in the same state that a student found it in originally.

Below is the Iterasi demo video.

This is a short interview with Iterasi’s CEO Pete Grillo.


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