Free Webs – Build and Host a Website for Free

Free Webs is another free website building and hosting service that teachers may want to consider when choosing a website platform. Free Webs offers many of the same functions that Weebly and Web Node offer. Free Webs has all of the characteristics that you would expect to find in a free website platform. Websites built using Free Webs can include videos, calendars, polls, and a wide variety of third party widgets. Free Webs offers a wide variety templates and layouts to select from. For people with a higher level of comfort with technology, Free Webs might be a little too basic for your needs. In that case you may want to consider Snap Pages.

Applications for Education
Free Webs could be a great platform for a teacher just starting to build a website for his/her classroom. Free Webs is also a good option for elementary or middle school students creating a website for the first time.


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