Office 2.0 Directory

For every desktop application there is a cloud computing option to accomplish the same task. Google and Zoho seem to be leading the way in web-based office productivity tools (yesterday on the Fox Business Report Zoho confirmed that they are grossing more than $1 million monthly). While Google and Zoho are good for one-stop shopping productivity tools sometimes you might want to try other options. Office 2.0 Database maintains a comprehensive index of cloud computing tools. If you’re looking for a free cloud computing alternative to a desktop application, check out the Office 2.0 Database, you’re sure to find a resource you’ll like.

Applications for Education
Web based productivity products have the potential to save school districts significant amounts of money. Most web-based productivity products like Google and Zoho are completely free for the end user. Another great feature of cloud computing is that almost every good service works on all browsers. And all cloud computing products work on any operating system.


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