Making Open Office Better

Open Office and its Mac equivalent, Neo Office, are great examples of open source software that can save schools a lot of money. In some cases licensing fees can be the equivalent of a teacher’s salary. Open Office and Neo Office can do the very same things that name brand proprietary word processing software do. In some cases students and teachers might notice some differences. To address these differences head over the the Open Office Extension Page.

On the Open Office Extension Page you will find numerous features to add to and enhance Open Office. If you’ve never looked at the Open Office Extension Page, I encourage you to explore it. You might be surprised at the many things Open Office can do that you may have never heard of or thought of before. Did you know that there is a flashcard extension for Open Office? The flashcard extension is easy to install and is a powerful tool for students to use as a study tool.

Applications for Education
The Open Office Extension Library is a great resource for schools that are using Open Office. The extensions can make your’s and your students’ experiences with Open Office even better. If you’re trying to convince your school to switch to Open Office show them the extensions page and all of the things they can do for free with Open Office.


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