Tech and Education Podcasts for the Week

Here are some of the podcasts I’m going to make time for this week. You’ll notice that I’ve added a new podcast to my list of must listen to items.

Louis Gray is a Silicon Valley blogger and podcaster. This week on his podcast, Elite Tech News, Louis talks with Allen Stern of Center Networks and Mark Hopkins from Mashable. There are a few topics discussed on the podcast, but the one that interests me the most is, “Twitter signal or noise?” You can find Louis Gray’s blog and podcast here.

This week on Tech Teacher Live, produced by Ron Kroetz, you will find Ron talking about a neat engineering project he has been working on with his middle school students. Ron’s students are building model sailboats. As always you can find Ron’s podcast in the widget embedded on the right side of this blog or visit Ron’s blog and podcast to find out more about what he’s up to.

Tom Grissom at Eastern Illinois University is asking and discussing a great question this week on his podcast Tech Talk 4 Teachers. Tom is discussing the question, “whose responsibility is it to create Web 2.0 accounts? Is it the teachers? Is it the parents? Is it the schools?” This is a very timely topic for me as my students just finished up a project in which many of them used PhotoShow or Zoho Show to create presentations. Some of my students learned the hard way this week just how important it is to follow the directions when you receive a confirmation email.

Finally, the guys at Wicked Decent Learning, have been a little swamped this week with teaching (their real jobs), power outages (ayuh, been to Jay, Maine), and general having a life stuff so they’re a little behind in production. Not to worry though, they have a great topic planned for this week’s show, “teacher-parent interaction.” If you’ve been in the teaching profession for any amount of time, you probably have some parent horror stories. Jeff and Dan would love to hear those stories so shoot them a line over at Wicked Decent Learning and check back at the end of the week for their show.


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