Spam Defense Measures

Thank you to everyone who has been reading, subscribing, and spreading the word about Free Tech 4 Teachers. Because of you this blog is now reaching an average of 225 readers each day. As the summer approaches I have some ideas about making this blog a better resource for teachers that I will try slowly implement throughout the summer months. (I realized in April that I simply didn’t have enough time to be a good teacher and try to implement new features on the blog. Since teaching is my real job, I had to put implementing new blog features on hold until summer).

One change that I cannot wait any longer to implement deals with spam in the comments. Lately, this blog has seen a marked increase in spam (some that is definitely not safe for work) so I have to enable comment moderation. I hate to do this because I want to hear all feedback positive and negative and I’m proud to say that I’ve never removed a comment because of negative feedback. Lately though spam comments have increased and I’ve had to remove them. Thank you to everyone who has left comments. Please continue to leave comments, I will have them posted as soon as I possibly can.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!