Questions for Graduates

Wesley Fryer has started a VoiceThread conversation for graduating seniors. The VoiceThread asks students questions about what they think their future will look like. This particular VoiceThread is for graduating seniors. If you teach or advise high school seniors have them visit this VoiceThread and share their vision with other students. I have embedded the VoiceThread below.

Applications for Education
The VoiceThread Wesley Fryer has started is intended for high school seniors, but creating a similar project with other students could be a great way to get them thinking about their future. As summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) and vacation approaches an appropriate VoiceThread would be to have students reflect on their school year and discuss what they think their next year will be like. Students may also enjoy building a VoiceThread with their classmates about the things they’re looking forward to doing this summer.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!