Backboard – Super Simple Feedback System

Backboard is a simple way to share and gather feedback about your documents, images, or websites. Backboard works like this, upload your document, image, or insert the url to your webpage. Backboard then hosts your project on a page on which visitors can leave you feedback. Your project is given a unique url which you can share with others to direct them to your project and leave you feedback. As the owner of the work you can also leave comments. Click here to see a sample of the project I uploaded to test the service, please leave feedback if you would like to.

Applications for Education
Backboard is a simple web tool that teachers can use with students to start an online conversation about an image or document. Backboard might also be used as a tool for peer-evaluation and editing of documents, images, or website designs. Leaving feedback on Backboard does not require visitors to create an account before commenting which makes it quick and easy for visitors to leave a comment.


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