Free Technology For Teachers: GorillaSpot – Free Video Editor

GorillaSpot is a new, free, video editor. GorillaSpot is completely web based so there is not any software to download or install. GorillaSpot users can combine video clips they find on the web or upload videos from their computer. Then add transitions, voice overs, or other effects to the video to make a high quality product. GorillaSpot is similar to Kaltura which I’ve reviewed in the past and I use with students.

Here is a short video demonstrating how GorillaSpot works.

GorillaSpot from GorillaSpot on Vimeo.

Applications For Educators
Combining video clips and adding voice over is the 21st century version of making slide shows. User generated video (Youtube, Viddler, etc) is what students use on a daily basis because they enjoy watching short videos that they or their peers have created.
Capitalize on this student interest and turn it into a learning experience. Instead of having your students make slide show, have them create a montage of video clips with a voice over explaining the significance of each clip. This activity works regardless of content area.


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