Free Technology For Teachers: Five Alternatives to YouTube – #4 is a video website that is still in beta, but already has many users and video channels. has four appeals: 1. quality of the videos (much better than YouTube) 2. the option to view videos on Mac TV (and similar devices) 3. the option to syndicate a show on your own website 4. for the average end-user the search by tags option is a nice improvement over typical video search methods.
aims to be a website that operates almost live a cable television provider. Producers create a regular series of video shows that viewers can “tune to watch” or subscribe to in a feeder. There are hundreds of shows that users can subscribe and watch on a regular basis. The quality of the video channels on are constantly improving because the best shows are competing for possible syndication on cable/satellite television.

Here is an episode from one of my favorite shows available on


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