Free Technology For Teachers: Educational Uses for Ipods

One of my favorite websites, Open Culture, has reposted a list of ten ways to make your Ipod a better learning gadget. The list covers the basic uses of Ipods for education. The list also included a couple of more advanced ideas about using Ipods as an educational device.

My favorite item from Open Culture’s list is the Ipod eBook Creator program. The Ipod eBook Creator is a means for turning your text documents (I’m thinking about my lecture outlines) into Ipod compatible formats that you can share with others via email or other peer to peer sharing devices. The Ipod eBook Creator can also be used to convert web pages to Ipod compatible eBooks.

Applications for Educators
I can see the Ipod eBook Creator being used in advanced placement courses with highly motivated students. As students’ lives become busier they will need more mobile means of studying. Take a look around a high school AP class or other college preparatory class and see how many students are using a laptop as a study tool. Converting lecture notes and other study resources to a mobile format is one way to help busy students study.


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