Free Technology For Teachers: Word Processing Collaboration- Buzzword

On Mashable there is a list of 13 web-based word processing applications. All of the applications have collaboration/ sharing features. Click here to see the full list.
I tried out 11 of the applications (Google Documents and Zoho Writer were not new to me) and the one that really got me excited is Buzzword. Buzzword is very rich in features but at the same time has a simple interface perfect for use with students. Below I’ve embedded a short video overview of Buzzword.

Applications for Educator
Buzzword has a much more professional appearance compared to its competitors. So what? Looks matter in web-based applications. Why do looks matter in a classroom environment? Looks matter in a classroom environment because if the program looks “cool” and looks “web 2.0” students are more likely to get excited about using it. You’re connecting with students in their language if you’re using web 2.0 applications. My former principal referred to this as meeting students where they are. Students will be proud of the work they do on Buzzword because a project completed on Buzzword has the look of a professionally produced magazine (when printed) or blog. In fact, I’m so impressed by Buzzword that I’m considering doing all of my blog writing in Buzzword.


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