Zoho.com- The Greatest Show on Web 2.0

Zoho.com offers the best combination of word processing, collaborating, publishing, and blogging tools any where on the web.

If you’re already making PowerPoint (or other slide shows) presentations, Zoho can take those presentations to the next level. Zoho has the capability to convert your presentations to html so that that you can post the presentations on a blog or other web hosting solution. If you don’t have a blog already, I recommend that you get one. Zoho offers a free blogging program that is easy to learn. If you can use a word processing to
ol, you can blog. Blogging is a great method of keeping your students and their parents informed about your classes.

Speaking of word processing tools, I have written this blog post using Zoho Writer. Zoho Writer looks and feels just like any other word
processing tool. There are many advantages to using Zoho Writer over the standard word processing tool installed on your computer. First, Zoho Writer does not require you to download or install any software. Second, Zoho Writer is extremely portable. Zoho Writer works from any internet connected computer. To use Zoho Writer simply sign in to your account and you’re ready to work on your documents.

I can’t say enough good things about Zoho’s suite of features. My favorite feature is Zoho Show which allows you to create slide show style presentations from any internet connected computer. And, as previously mentioned, Zoho show gives you the option of uploading your existing PowerPoint presentations to the internet trough a variety of methods.

Click on the image here to see a video demonstration of Zoho’s newest features.


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