3 Steps for 21st Century Learning

From time to time I like to search Youtube and TeacherTube to see what people are saying and doing with regards to 21st century technology in education. This afternoon I found this short video titled 3 Steps for 21st Century Learning. The video hits on three skills that students will need to have in order to participate in the global market of the 21st Century.

I like this video because it is different from the standard, “Shift Happens,” style video which focuses on the need to change and incorporate 21st Century technology into the classroom, but doesn’t offer suggestions about what to do. While 3 Steps for 21st Century Learning, doesn’t spell out exactly what teachers should do, it does offer some good suggestions and justification for change.
The piece I like most about this video is that while it stresses having the skills to compete in the 21st Century’s global market it also places due attention on the need for constant competition with oneself in order to improve.


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