Zuna Vision – Put Images in Video Backgrounds

Zuna Vision is the vision of some very smart folks at Stanford University. Using Zuna Vision anyone can insert an image into the background of an existing video. For example if I wanted to put a picture of my face on side of a building in a video, I could do that with Zuna Vision. The video below explains Zuna Vision.

Zuna Vision is still in the beta phase of development so it doesn’t work perfectly yet, but it’s a great concept. I tried it out by putting an image of a goldfish into a video clip of the NBC show The Office. The image didn’t appear exactly where I wanted it to, but it’s in there. Check out my video here.

Applications for Education
Zuna Vision is a great 100% free video editing service that students will find fun to use. One way that students might use Zuna Vision is to create historical video mash-ups. They could do this by taking a video of a speech given by an important figure of the 20th century and inserting an image of themselves next to the speaker. You could then have students create a story about what they were whispering in the speaker’s ear.


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