Block Ads With Firefox Add-On Ad Block Plus

At least once a week I come across a web resource that could be great for classroom use except for the presence of obtrusive or questionable advertising. That is particularly true when looking at educational game websites. Today, through CNET, I discovered Ad Block Plus which could make some of the websites that I was reluctant to use or recommend in the past, useful.

Ad Block Plus is a Firefox add-on that allows users to specify a list of websites for which Ad Block Plus will block advertisements. You can specify which advertisements to block by right clicking on an ad the first time you see it then selecting “adblock image.” An alternative and possibly faster method for blocking advertisements is to subscribe to a list of recommended filters.

Applications for Education
Ad Block Plus could be a good Firefox add-on to install on any computer that your students use. Installing Ad Block Plus could make more educational games websites useful in the classroom.


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