12 Alternatives to Google Image Search – Comparison Chart

Unless they’re introduced to other options, Google Images tends to be the default image search tool for students and adults. Google Images is convenient, but it’s not the best place for students to find images that are in the public domain or to images that have been labeled with a Creative Commons license. That’s why I made the following chart that features 12 alternatives to Google Image search. In the chart you’ll find links to each alternative and notes about considerations for classroom use. You can download the chart as a PDF through the Box.com widget that is embedded below.

Click here if you cannot see the embedded chart.

I use the sources listed in the chart whenever I need a free image or video clip to use in a slideshow or video of my own. I’ll be sharing more about that in Thursday’s webinar, 5 Video Projects for Almost Every Classroom.

Photo by Arno Body on Unsplash.


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