One Simple Thing That Can Make Your Blog Better
I am frequently asked for advice about blogging. That’s probably the result of blogging for more than ten years and publishing more than 12,000 blog
I am frequently asked for advice about blogging. That’s probably the result of blogging for more than ten years and publishing more than 12,000 blog
In my previous post I shared an overview of how Slick Write helps users analyze writing. There is more to Slick Write than just document
Slick Write is a free service that students can use to help them analyze their own writing and or that of other writers. Slick Write
Every week I receive a dozen or more emails from folks who have all kinds of questions about educational technology. Those that I think have
Last November the new version of Google Sites was made available to everyone who wants to use it. For many people that marked the beginning transforms teaching materials into interactive digital lessons and saves teachers time with instant autograding. Our platform integrates seamlessly with major systems for personalized student engagement.
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