When you compose a long document in Google Documents it’s helpful to add page numbers as you go. That’s been possible in Google Docs for quite a while. It has also been possible to create a table of contents in your Google Documents for quite a while. But until today you couldn’t use page numbers in your table of contents in Google Docs.
As announced earlier today on the G Suite Updates blog, you can now create a table of contents that includes page numbers in Google Documents. To do so, select the numbered option in “table of contents” in the “insert” drop-down menu.
This feature appeared today in one of my Google Accounts and not in two others. If you don’t see it right away, give it a couple of days and it should appear.
Applications for Education
This isn’t a huge update to Google Documents, but it could prove to be helpful to high school and college students who are composing long reports in Google Docs. It could also be helpful to their teachers or peers who want to jump to a specific section of a report.