Padlet (formerly known as Wallwisher) is one of my favorite tools to use to have students quickly share ideas, questions, and multimedia notes on one page. Until today all of the notes that were added to a Padlet page appeared wherever a visitor double clicked. You can still use that free form format, but now you can also use a chronological format that Padlet is calling “streams.” Streams places all notes into a chronological order based on the timestamp of when each note is written.
Applications for Education
Creating a Padlet page in the stream format could be a good way to create a simple, collaborative blog for students. You could create the page, select “stream” format, and make the page accessible for students to write short posts on. Their posts could include images and videos. If you want to, you can password protect your Padlet pages and moderate messages before they appear on your Padlet page. Please see A Teacher’s Guide to Backchannels and Informal Assessment Tools to learn more about using Padlet.