Earlier this month I launched my new site, PracticalEdTech.com, which is devoted to offering PD webinars for teachers. The first two webinars I’m offering through it are How To Use Google Drive in School and To Geography and Beyond With Google Earth and Google Maps. Both courses begin in the week of March 11 and run for three weeks. Both course are currently at 50% of capacity.
How To Use Google Drive in School is a three part series designed for teachers and school administrators that are new to using Google Drive. The course covers everything from the basics of creating documents, presentations, and forms to advanced uses of scripts in Google Spreadsheets. Click here to register today.
To Geography and Beyond With Google Earth and Google Maps is a course that I am co-teaching with my friend and former colleague Jim Wells. Jim has twenty years of experience in teaching social studies and digital mapping. In this three week course we will teach the basics of using Google Earth and Google Maps while introducing a variety of ways to use the tools in social studies, language arts, science, and math (elementary level math). Click here to register today.