GCF Free Learn – Free Math, Reading, and Technology Lessons

GCF Free Learn provides online lessons and tutorials for mathematics, reading, and technology topics. The lessons on GCF Free Learn are a mix of text explanations, interactive displays and activities, and video demonstrations.

In the mathematics section of GCF Free Learn the lessons are focused on the basics of arithmetic. The mathematics section includes some “real life” practice problems using money. The money problems include adding coin values, giving change, and budgeting.

The goal the reading section of  GCF Free Learn is to help adults learners become more proficient readers. The reading section is a mix of sound matching activities, read along activities, and fill in the blank activities.

The computer section of GCF Free Learn is primarily devoted to learning how to use Microsoft products. There are also some sections on Internet safety and a section on using Google Apps.

Applications for Education
GCF Free Learn is intended to be a resource for the independent adult learner. The activities available could also be used as a supplement to classroom instruction. GCF Free Learn is also available in Spanish.


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