Get Free Books for Your Kindle (or other ereader)

If you or someone in your house got a new Kindle for Christmas, you’re probably looking to load that thing up with good things to read this week (especially if you’re on the east coast of the US where we’ve been hammered with snow). If you don’t need the latest best-seller, you can probably find some great reads for free in a few different places on the web. The first place to look is in the free ebook collection on There you will find titles (some promotional, some public domain) made free by Amazon as well as links to Project Gutenberg, Open Library, Many Books, and the Internet Archive. All four of those places offer free downloads.

Some other places where you can find free ebooks are the Google eBookstore and Feed Books. While both places have large collections of free ebooks, I actually found Feed Books to be a little easier to browse by title and or genre. That said, the Google eBookstore offers more options for previewing titles and options for using their titles on Nooks and other non-Kindle ereaders.

Applications for Education

If you have students and or their parents asking you for advice on where to get more good reads for their new ereaders, direct them to some of the places listed above. Good reading doesn’t have to be expensive.


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